
Welcome to the Paul Brady website. ‘About’ takes you to a biography, the lyrics of all my songs, all my musical collaborations and former incarnations, a list of the many artists who’ve covered my songs and the songwriters I’ve co-written with over the years. There’s also a 'News' page so you can see what you’re letting yourself in for. Tablature for some of my acoustic guitar arrangements appears under ‘Peebee Music’.

Visit the ‘Music’ tab to find CDs, Vinyl, and Digital versions of my albums and individual songs. Vist the 'Merchandise' section for autographed and limited edition items from time to time.

If you want to be kept informed of my activities then please add your details to the mailing list.

For a different angle on things check out my Facebook Music page here:  Facebook music page.

Thank you for visiting us. Paul Brady

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